INSTI® HCV Antibody Test

The First One-Minute Hepatitis C Antibody Test


The World’s Fastest Test For Hepatitis C

What is the INSTI® HCV Test?
The INSTI® HCV Antibody Test is the world’s first one minute test. It is highly accurate, affordable, and easy-to-use. The platform is an entirely portable system requiring no additional equipment, allowing providers to perform the test in multiple settings, from clinical labs to remote testing centers. With IgG and IgM procedural control and the ability to test for HCV genotypes 1 – 6, the INSTI HCV Antibody Test is an excellent tool in the fight against Hepatitis C.
A hepatitis C blood testing is used to determine if someone has ever been infected with the hepatitis C virus.
The INSTI hepatitis C blood tests look for antibodies to the hepatitis C Virus in the blood. They are chemicals that are released into the bloodstream when infected.

Sample Type

Whole Blood / Serum / Plasma






For more information, see our INSTI HCV Antibody Test Instructions For Use.


Test yields results in as little as 60 seconds


Its rapid results makes it easy to include in a variety of workflow models


INSTI works with most testing algorithms


Detects IgM and IgG Antibodies

  • Unique immunofiltration “flow-through” design
  • Lancet, pipette and alcohol swab included
  • No timers required
  • Spill-free membrane

Approved and Certified By

How to Use INSTI

INSTI is trusted by healthcare professionals globally with over 15 million tests already performed. The INSTI platform provides accurate results in 1 minute, where other competing products require 20 minutes to days for their results.


Collect blood

Use the lancet to prick your finger and collect a drop of blood.

Add Blood Sample

Add your blood into Bottle 1 and shake.

Pour Solutions

Shake and pour solutions one at a time.

Detailed AID

Instruction For Use

Contact Us

Phone: +61 468 559 951

Enquire Now


When should I get a test for hepatitis C?
When used for early detection in patients without symptoms of hepatitis C, screening at least once for all adults over the age of 18 is recommended, except in facilities with very low HCV prevalence. Screening is also recommended during pregnancy and in patients of all ages with risk factors for HCV infection. Regular screening is recommended for patients with risk factors while the risk factors persist. Risk factors for HCV include: • Current or past drug use • Received a blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992 • Received kidney dialysis • Contact with needles, including at work and while tattooing or piercing • Working in prison or live • Be born to a mother with hepatitis C • Have HIV infection • Have unprotected sexual intercourse
What are the Hepatitis C symptoms?
You can be infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and have no symptoms. Your doctor can do this by doing blood tests and finding that your levels of certain liver enzymes are high. If so, they will do more tests to confirm that you have the disease. Although hepatitis C often does not cause symptoms, patients can develop symptoms within one to three months of contracting the virus. Symptoms may include: • Dark yellow urine • Drowsiness or tiredness • Fever • Clay-colored or gray stools • Pain in stomach, abdomen or joints • Nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite • Jaundice or yellow skin and eyes
Why should you take the Hep C antibody test?
• You can have hepatitis C without symptoms. • The test is quick and easy. • You will protect your family and friends. • Treatment can kill the virus and maybe even cure you. • Early treatment prevents cirrhosis and liver failure.
What is the accuracy of different hepatitis C antibody tests?
A wide range of hepatitis C tests have been made in many countries, but few of them have undergone rigorous and independent assessments. Research on Hep C Virus Ab tests is only occasionally published in medical journals. Lab professionals may have insight into which tests work best. Extensive research studies have shown that the INSTI HCV Blood Test Test is highly accurate when performed correctly. The accuracy of medical tests is typically described in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity means that all HCV-positive individuals test positive. Specificity means that all HIV-negative persons test negative. In clinical studies, our hepatitis C antibody test shows to have a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 99.7%.
How to read your INSTI Hepatitis C Test results?
Non-reactive result: One blue control dot that is clearly discernable above any background tint should appear on the membrane. The control dot indicates the test has been performed correctly and a human specimen has been used. Reactive Result: Two blue dots visible in the control and test area indicate that the specimen contains Hepatitis C antibodies. Following a reactive test result, Hepatitis C confirmation testing should be conducted. Invalid Result: The test is invalid if there is no control dot or there is no dot on the membrane. An invalid test result means that the test was run incorrectly or insufficient specimen was added. Invalid test results cannot be interpreted. Any invalid test should be repeated with a fresh specimen using a new membrane kit, kit components and support materials.